The role of advertising allows companies and businesses to market their product and or service of everything they provide to their potential customers. Through thought provoking adverts which are seen by a mass audience, potential customers make an informed decision on whether to buy into a company's new product or service. The role of advertising aids such as radio, television, print etc are used as mechanisms to highlight the benefits before a customer goes ahead and makes a decision.

What do you consider to be good advertising and bad?
I think there are a number of important elements that can make advertising good or bad. Firstly I think a good advert has to have a strong concept it would be a total error for everyone involved if the concept form the start isn't strong, otherwise you may not be doing the advert justice in the first place, already setting off for failure from the start. Secondly I think an advert has to have a simple and yet clear message, at the end of the day it is the potential customers that will be on the end of the advert and will be making up their mind as to whether to purchase a product or service. However if they don't really know what the intent of the message is I'm pretty sure the possibility of the advert failing will be quite high. In addition I think a good advert has to be a visually pleasing piece of aesthetic, again most importantly the audience will be exposed to what a company is selling and if the advert is anything to go by (be it a strong advert or weak) that may already make an impression of the product or service itself and thus may not do as well as anticipated if it is not visually pleasing to the audience. They do say first impressions count after all.

In contrast, the bad aspects of advertising will boil down to a lack of a clear concept, having a derailed or unclear message, which will only confuse potential customers because what you're advertising is not clear from the start, is it hair gel, hair cream, hair.. What exactly are you advertising here? Bad adverts can also create negative controversy around a topic in question, there are likely to be a large number of people offended by the advert in question, again this could be down to the previously mentioned lack of attention to certain elements. Lastly, bad adverts tend to be visually displeasing and if something is unattractive to you personally in any way, shape or form I can't see how one would actively make any sort of investment.
What are your thoughts on ambient media, guerrilla marketing and viral advertising campaigns?
Depending on it's context and also how it is portrayed I think ambient media is a very clever way of advertising and catching an audience off guard. The way I see it is, the world is your canvas so why restrict yourself to ordinary TV, radio and or print ads when there is so much of the atmosphere to explore and potentially use. A lot of the usual adverts we see in the aforementioned formats are a conventional and typical way of advertising that almost reach an audience in a rather intrusive way, by advertising things the general public may probably not want or need or even have an associated interest with. Ambient media allows advertising to be more creative and engaging due to it's unusual approach of communicating for example, seeing things where you don't expect them to be such as in a cubical, a lift, on a bench, on a wall, in the air, on the ground etc. To summarise ambient media piques the curiosity of the people.

I think guerrilla marketing is also an inventive way of advertising yourself or your company with a minimum or low cost unconventional strategy which yields maximum results. An element of surprise is a strong and effective working tactic employed by many individuals and advertising agencies. This alternative way of advertising offers a unique marketing strategy that demonstrates imagination and high energy with the outcome of trying to create an impression or an anticipation for the audience to consume. Guerrilla marketing is said to make a far more valuable impression with its consumers as opposed to more traditional forms of marketing and advertising. This is down to the fact that majority of guerrilla marketing campaigns aim to connect the audience at a more memorable and personal level.

Viral advertising campaigns are another way to reach an audience however the circumstances regarding this type of advertising are purely down to how it is received on an emotional level. Smart and savvy companies of all sizes are till this day still exploding into mainstream consciousness, simply by creating campaigns that compel consumers to share what they have seen with their social counterparts. Some campaigns can be heartbreaking and down right emotional while others can be hilarious and fully captivating. But what they share in common is the fact they all contain triggers that get people talking. Emotion is one factor that drives sharing content, we witness an array of funny clips on Youtube going viral, in contrast we may also cringe seeing angry political rants. The notion of sharing is driven by any emotion that fires up anger, anxiety but also excitement, awe and humour. With access to social media being so direct now more than ever it provides a great platform for sharing and all it takes is that one clever idea and a skilled execution.
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