
Sustainable Design

What is sustainable design?

Sustainable design also known as environmental design, green design and other names is the theory of designing physical objects, the environment and of services that adhere to with the principles of economic, social and ecological sustainability.

What are your opinions on sustainable design? 

With sustainable design in practice it brings to light the value of design as an issue in addressing social and ecological concerns in the environment, both the developed and developing world settings.  In order to build a design-led sustainable future a lot pf practices have to be considered when thinking about a more sustainable and equitable society. 
I believe the intention of green design is to dispose or eradicate the negative environmental damage through the practice of sensitive and skillful design.  

What can you do? 

The general consensus is that great design is sustainable design, for example architects ensure to include a set of principles in order to support great design, this can include better user experience and comfort, for the building to achieve peak performance doing more with less, maximizing the impact of reliable long lasting materials. Rather than to rest on the notion form follows function it's time to adopt form follows environment. To have a more sustainable 
design-led future I think it is important that we as designers, architects, engineers, fashion designers, industrial designers, interior designers etc come up with a balance between the economy and the society, we should generate a long lasting relationship between us users of the environment and the service of the environment itself.


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