
Design Manifesto

Following on from our last workshop in class, we were tasked with creating our own manifesto. We had to describe 10 things we learned and how they can be our mission statement for our future as a designer.

Below are my 10 mission statements for my design manifesto in no particular order: 
1). Typefaces continue to go in and out of style therefore it is crucial to change with the times and not risk appearing old fashioned 

2). Having a positive corporate social responsibility in today’s current society is vital. Our practices in the field have implications that do not go unseen

3). Authorship and ethics have an impact on how we approach our work and who we work with. Having strong ethical values help you practice staying true to your morals

4). The practice of sustainable design is to eradicate negative environmental damage and address social and ecological concerns

5). Good adverts have a strong concept, a clear message and a visually pleasing aesthetic. Bad adverts lack a clear concept, have a derailed or unclear message and can create controversy

6). The target audience are the folks who we create work for. A combination of images and words convey a message to and for them

7). Knowledge of layouts, image making, concepts, typography and presentations allow us to successfully fulfil and execute a brief

8). Using a variety of tools and procedures during experimentation allows room for purposeful idea generation developing creative input

9). Exercising between analogue and digital processes, allows for more possible outcomes that may have never been considered initially

10). Following a main headline, subhead, caption and primary text are the ingredients used to create a well-structured page and or spread

Although they are not in order as it stands, before I got it laser cut I separated them into categories and wrote accordingly to the relevant subject I broke them into; Typeface, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, Sustainable Design, Advertising, Target Audience, Experimentation of Ideas, Technology Processes, Layout and Fulfilling Briefs.

Below is show my design manifesto looked once it was cut and stuck together



Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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